ACCOMMODATION (if you wish to stay over)
It is highly recommended
that you stay at our preferred partner on the Vaal river, called "Stonehenge
In Africa". Why? Firstly, it is a well-loved & famous venue, well
worth the money. Plus it has a quasi-replica of England's Stonehenge,
stunnung scenery, magical setting and river. Plus, it is also our Starting Point. To boot, included is a full sumptuous breakfast. Call Mari on 076 021 0274. They will give you a special discount
B&B rate if you say you are part of our event. For suggested alternative accommodation call Egweni River Lodge on 056 811 3643.
Heidelberg (Gauteng)
The two (2) venues below are our preferred partners who will give you a special discount rate if you say you are part of our event:
(2). For a more luxurious stay in a famous
historic house contact Dina 082 707 2334 at Oak View Manor guest house. Breakfast at additional cost.
It ii suggested that you stay at our preferred partner Sunnyside Park Hotel (Holiday Inn). Included is a full sumptuous breakfast. Tel 087 - 630 0446 (which is also the starting point of our event). They will give you a special discount B&B rate if you say you are part of our event.
We have no accomodation partners for Pretoria, but and offer Discount Accommodation.
Cape Town
We have no accomodation partners for Cape Town, but and offer Discount Accommodation.
have no accomodation partners for Durban, but and offer Discount Accommodation. Also try the Protea Edward
Hotel tel: 031 - 337 3681 (which is also the starting point of our
Port Elizabeth
We have no accomodation partners for Port Elizabeth, but and offer Discount Accommodation.
It is suggested
that you stay at our preferred partners Cullinan Diamond Lodge tel: 012
- 734 2255 or "117 On Oak" tel: Lize-Marie 082 334 5512 (incl.
breakfast). They will give you a special discount
B&B rate if you say you are part of our event.
Otherwise if Cullinan Diamond Lodge is full, try the following in &
out of town venues which have varying prices (several are very
reasonable): Cullinan
Inn tel: 072 - 320 5353. Cheval
Tachete tel: 082 302 6564. Cullinan Premiere Hotel tel: 012 – 734 1810. Gastehys JanHarmsgat
074 322 5225. Dolphin
Whisper Guesthouse tel: 012 - 734 2463. Yesterday’s Dream Guesthouse tel: 082 572 0845. Acorn
Guest House tel: 012 - 734 0507.